Start the New Year Right with These 3 Journal Prompt Ideas

journal prompts new year

You have the power to create whatever you want in your life — including this coming new year!

First, it’s hard to figure out how to get somewhere if you don't know where you're going. Building self awareness is key to figuring out what you want your life to look like. Deciding what that is is the hardest part. Once you have a clear picture, it’s much easier to put together a plan to get you there — whether that’s a money plan, career plan, and so on.

That’s why these new year journal prompt ideas tie into building self awareness.

Dream Life Journal Prompt

What does your ideal life look like 5 years from now? Even if you never write or journal, I challenge you to try writing down the answer to this.

Journal prompt time:

  • Visualize your ideal lifestyle five (or ten) years from now. The more details you can give, the better: 

  • How do I FEEL?

  • What is my LIVING SITUATION? (ie.: Where in the world do you live, what does your place look like, etc.)

  • Where am I at in my CAREER? 

  • Who am I spending the most time with? What kind of people am I close friends with?

  • How do I LOOK?

  • My DAILY SCHEDULE - Describe your ideal day in as much detail as possible. What time do you wake up? What are you eating? What are you working on? Where are you going? How do you feel?

You can achieve all of your goals and still be unhappy if these goals don’t actually align with what you truly want. Writing this stuff down is one way to get clear on your values and work backwards to create your dream life.

Figure Out Your Why

What is YOUR why for wanting to improve your financial life? Here are some ideas, and challenge yourself to write or think on this question.

  • Do you want the freedom to quit your job and travel the world?

  • Do you want to create a stronger safety net for yourself and your family in case of an emergency or job layoff?

  • Do you want to spend more time volunteering or starting your own non-profit?

  • Do you want more time freedom to spend with your loved ones?

  •  Do you want to make a career change for a lower stress job or something you're more passionate about but maybe pays less?

It's different for everyone. And it makes it all worth it and you'll even find you come to enjoy the process. 

And once you figure this out, it will be your driving force. You'll be unstoppable in hitting your money goals.

5 minutes a day to change your life….⁣

I started the Five Minute Journal years ago on January 1, 2016 — and I consistently completed this exercise every (week)day for four years.

It’s helped me:⁣

- Feel more gratitude and happiness⁣
- Stick to my commitments⁣
- Build on other habits and my morning routine⁣
- Transform my life into what I want⁣

I mean, who wouldn’t want all of those things? The Five Minute Journal follows a basic prompt:⁣

☀️ In the morning….⁣

-I am grateful for… (list 3 things)⁣
-What would make today great? (list 3 things that you have control over)⁣
-Daily affirmations. I am… (an affirmation is typically an “I am” statement of what you want in your life, or what you want to create more of)⁣

🌜Before bed…⁣

-3 amazing things that happened today…⁣
-How could I have made today better? (Think about what you would change about your day if you had a time machine. Write this as an action. For example: I went to bed early, or “I go the gym in the morning.”)

For just five minutes a day, it’s worth testing out! Why wait until the new year when you can start today?

Any prompts you would share to help anyone crush it in the new year? I’d love to hear! Message me on Instagram @moneylifementor.


25+ Journal Prompts to Increase Self Awareness